
Writing an Essay on Health: The Most Important Features

When it comes to writing an essay on health, there are certain features that are essential to ensuring that the essay is successful. To begin, it is important to understand what an essay is and what health is. An essay is a type of written work that is typically composed of an introduction, body, and conclusion. Health is the overall physical, mental, and social wellbeing of an individual. The most important features of writing an essay on health include the use of reliable sources, a well-organized structure, and the inclusion of personal opinion. Check out the LegitimateEssayWriting review and find a quality artist to write your essay about health at the best price

Use of Reliable Sources

When writing an essay on health, it is essential to use reliable sources. Researching reputable websites is one way to ensure that the information used is reliable. Utilizing search engines to find relevant and reliable sources is a great way to start. It is important to look for sources with a .org, .edu, or .gov domain, as these are generally more reliable and credible. Additionally, examining the credentials of the website's author can help to ensure that the information is reliable. Utilizing credible journals is another way to ensure that reliable information is used. Searching for peer-reviewed journals is a great way to start. Examining the author's credentials and looking for sources that have been published in the last 5 years can also help to ensure that the information is reliable. Finally, consulting with medical professionals is a great way to ensure that reliable information is used. Contacting a doctor or other healthcare professional for advice is a great way to get reliable information. Utilizing the expertise of a medical professional to provide reliable information is essential.

Well-Organized Structure

Having a well-organized structure is essential to ensure that the essay flows properly. The introduction should establish the main topic and purpose of the essay, provide background information on the topic, and present the thesis statement. The body of the essay should develop the main points of the essay, support arguments with evidence, and utilize transitions between ideas. This can be done by breaking the essay into several smaller sections and providing evidence for each point. Additionally, each section should be connected to the next in order to ensure that the essay flows properly. Finally, the conclusion should summarize the main points, restate the thesis statement, and offer a final thought or reflection. This can be done by providing a brief summary of the main points and then offering a final thought or suggestion. Utilizing clear and concise language throughout the essay is essential to ensure that the essay is well-organized and flows properly.

Inclusion of Personal Opinion

Including personal opinion in the essay is an important feature. Using personal experiences is a great way to incorporate personal opinion. Incorporating anecdotes or stories to support arguments can help to make the essay more engaging and relatable. Utilizing personal reflections to make connections between the essay topic and the reader's life can also be a great way to include personal opinion. Examining the implications of the essay and considering the impact of the topic on the reader can help to incorporate personal opinion in a meaningful way. Offering personal advice is another great way to include personal opinion. Incorporating advice based on personal experience is a great way to offer insight to the reader. Utilizing advice from medical professionals can also be a great way to include personal opinion. By following these tips, personal opinion can be effectively and meaningfully included in the essay.


In conclusion, the most important features of writing an essay on health include the use of reliable sources, a well-organized structure, and the inclusion of personal opinion. Researching reputable websites, utilizing credible journals, and consulting with medical professionals are all great ways to ensure that reliable information is used. Having a well-organized structure is essential to ensure that the essay flows properly. Finally, incorporating personal experiences, utilizing personal reflections, and offering personal advice are all great ways to include personal opinion in the essay. By following these essential features, an essay on health can be successful.